Staff Wellbeing

At Alexandra Park Primary School, we know that it is essential that we take appropriate measures to look after ourselves and each other. We are committed to having a culture of support and we believe that checking-in with colleagues and ‘asking twice’ is an essential part of this. All staff have worked together in teams to consider how the Four Practices of the FISH Philosophy can support us all. These are:

Be There
Be emotionally present for people. It’s a powerful message of respect that improves communication and strengthens relationships.
Tap into your natural way of being creative, enthusiastic and having fun. Play is the spirit that drives the curious mind, as in “Let’s play with that idea!” You can bring this mindset to everything you do.
Make Their Day
Find simple ways to serve or delight people in a meaningful, memorable way. It’s about contributing to someone else’s life—not because you want something, but because that’s the person you want to be.
Choose Your Attitude
Take responsibility for how you respond to what life throws at you. Your choice affects others. Ask yourself: “Is my attitude helping my team or my customers? Is it helping me to be the person I want to be?”

We believe that we have a fantastic team of staff and that continuing to work closely together is vitally important to help all our wellbeing. We are totally committed to CPD and also to creating time to allow colleagues to support each other. 

We also ensure that when someone needs support we are there to provide it in any way we can and make time for everyone to talk to senior leaders whenever it is needed. Two members of staff ( Charlotte Millward and Claire Williams) have trained to deliver Supervision Sessions and can offer these to any member of staff who feels it may be of benefit. Members of staff also received Supervision or Coaching sessions from outside agencies.  We support staff with referrals to Beacon Counselling and Occupational Therapy if a need is identified. We use data and feedback from termly Wellbeing Staff Surveys to support us in decision making. Our Governors are fully focused on the wellbeing of all staff and wellbeing is always on the Resources Committee Agenda.

Wellbeing Staff Events

  • Staff Christmas celebration
  • Wellbeing packages and thank you letters delivered by the Wellbeing Ambassadors
  • BUPA Staff Wellbeing Staff Meetings
  • Creation of a ‘Where to Get More Help’ Leaflet for all staff
  • Tea party for all staff to say thank you, organised and hosted by our Wellbeing Ambassadors

We also provide free tea and coffee and also breakfast and lunch for any of our team who may require it. The lunch support is a great example of how we look after each other as a staff,  as members of our staff will often bring in extra food to ensure there is a cupboard full of food for anyone who wants it!