Aspire Programme Pledge

Alexandra Park Primary School: Our School Aspire Programme Pledge  

At Alexandra Park we are committed to providing every child with the highest levels of education and Care. Children only get one childhood, and it is our responsibility to ensure that the years spent at our school are ones that ensure they are happy and successful as children, whilst providing them with the skills, knowledge and attitude to achieve in their future lives as responsible, caring, active citizens. 

Our Aspire Programme Pledge is our commitment to every child and parent that we will provide our children with a broad range of high quality, inspirational opportunities, experiences and activities linked to our school values and underpinned by British Values. These opportunities are designed to ensure the children learn to Care for themselves, each other and the world they live in. They are designed to open doors and minds to new experiences and opportunities which ensure our children Aspire to be the best versions of themselves and have the knowledge, skills and desire to Achieve their own ambitious goals.                             

Whilst you attend our school you will:

Study our local area 
Meet members of our local community 
Visit historical places in our local area and beyond
Visit art galleries and museums
Visit outdoor learning environments 
Experience and use modern technology
Meet visitors who will widen our understanding of the world 
Participate in a business project 
Have the opportunity to be a member of a council 
Learn about inspirational people now, and in the past 
Participate in a range of performances for an audience, including dance and musical performances and performances linked to religious events 
Contribute to charity and the local community
Attend a live performance
Go on residential trips 
Have the opportunity to learn an instrument and perform in a band 
Experience and study different cultures, religions and festivals from around the world
Meet children from other local primary and High Schools
Contribute to the development of the school through class forums and meeting with the headteacher 
Take part in a range of sporting events