EEF Research School

Alexandra Park Primary School is one of 33 Research Schools nationally. We are funded by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), an independent charity established to help break the link between family income and educational achievement. This mission is fully aligned with our school values and ambitions, and resonates with many of our colleagues across Stockport and Greater Manchester. The Research School Network is part of the EEF’s strategy to significantly increase direct support for schools. The goal is to support teachers and school leaders to raise attainment and close the disadvantage gap, we root our response to this educational challenge in the best available evidence.
Over a number of years, Alexandra Park has developed an evidenced-based approach to school improvement, an approach acknowledged in by OFSTED in our report:
Claire Williams is director of the Research School. She is also the Deputy Headteacher. Claire has over 20 years experience working in a range of schools and phases and is passionate about improving outcomes for all pupils, particularly those facing disadvantage. She has worked with many schools across the North West and has expertise in effective professional development, understanding disadvantage and effective implementation. Hayley Wood is the assistant director of the Research School. She is also the Deputy Headteacher with responsibility for early reading and KS1. Hayley's areas of expertise include metacognition and implementation and she has worked with a number of schools across Stockport to implement evidence- informed practice.
We have a team of highly experienced and skilled teachers, who view research as an integral part of improving teaching and learning. As a school, we are highly experienced in using Lesson Study and Teacher Research Groups, and these have been a key ingredient in developing our own practice. In addition to this, we have a team of Evidence Leads in Education with a range of expertise, who lead projects across school and continually develop our staff knowledge and expertise.
If you would like to find out more about our work or how to get involved, please email or visit: